Our Company

Nanni's Natural Studio At Nanni’s we are firm believers in the old cliché, “you get out, what you put in” and that is why we take the time to sit down and consult with you on how to build and nurture a strong healthy foundation for your hair. Nanni’s continues to provide it’s unique holistic approach to healthy natural hair with locks, braids, twists and customized styles for a wide range of special occasions.

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About us

Our Approach

The understanding and appreciation of the different texture of black hair is an important part of undoing the centuries of self-hate many Africans in the diaspora have faced. Many people, but especially women have suffered under the historical notion that kinky hair is ugly, coarse, hard to handle and not presentable as being neat.

Lack of knowledge and being faced with the overwhelming presence of predominantly caucasian beauty, blacks suffered with self-hate and a detachment from their own culture and truth. Most choose to embrace easier and harsh methods to care for their hair, using chemical relaxers or hot combs to mimic or take the kink out of natural kinky or tightly coiled hair. These harsh chemicals and damaging heat treatments are detrimental to the hair follicle. For many, hair loss and scalp conditions are the results of such methods.

In addition to a lack of education about natural hair care, the media has helped to reinforce the idea that straight hair is better by providing monolithic beauty aesthetics. The dominant object of beauty we normally see, is a thin woman with long straight flowing hair and very fair skin. Of course these are exceptions to the rule, but the object of beauty is still not one most women see themselves living up to.

In order for us to reclaim strength, courage and wisdom, there has to be a re-education process where children are taught that their natural hair and skin do not need alterations. Self-hate needs to be converted to self-love. Many women are frustrated by the lack of information and products that make natural hair care a very attractive alternative to harsh chemicals. The hair care industry needs to cater to the market of natural hair care. However, they do not see it as a viable area to concentrate on.

This is why Nanni’s exists; To educate and demonstrate that natural hair is a viable, healthier and flexible choice of lifestyle.

Mission & Vision

We create a relaxing, enriching environment where love for one another is prevalent with our guests and all our associates, where a strong bond of trust and loyalty endures. We empower our associates to act as independent business people to experience growth and development; professionally, personally, and financially.

We seek to expand to touch the lives of as many people as possible. Be the best value in the Hair Salon Industry. Provide outstanding service and excellent care of our guests through the promotion of healthy hair and body. Continually improving through ongoing education and experience, with a willingness to learn by all associates.

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